Thursday, July 9, 2009

:: I dont like the PK's staff **dedicated to the one who inject me**::


Today, I went to PK aka pusat kesihatan in the Uitm main campus.. in fact, the building is a few meters from my faculty but still I ride a bus..hehe

What is it that I'm going there??.. I have a flu right now plus cough..What do you think??

No, I didnt do any H1N1 screening. Ironically, I did a HIV and hepatitis test..Huhu..Surprising??
Actually, it's for my faculty.. Since we are medical students, so we need to clarify that we dont have those highly infectious and fatal disease.

Back to the story, I went there at around 10 am. And we had to pay RM 80.00!! Can you imagine?? 80 bucks just for them to take my blood!! Hello, we are only students not yet a doctor.. **mencekik darah btol** . The PK's staff didnt inject me properly because my hand still in pain right now ( but still can tap on the keyboard..hehe). And it had been hours after he innjects me.. Suppose I will not feel anything after a few minutes.. The bruise near the "hole" is normal.. But I dont know why the pain goes through my arm towards my shoulder joint.. I think he had accidentally prick my nerve associated with the shoulder joint.

I had donate my blood before this, and at that time, everything was fine. No pain at all.. Credits to that nurse.. but this guy really need to learn back how to inject patients. I dont know how to describe the pain.. Now, I felt like the vein is steretched everytime I straighten my arm. And it's not comfortable at all.. If the pain lasts till tomorrow, I will tell the doctor. Oh, by the way, I just had a foreign mentor from Burma.. U know Burma??.. haha.. I dont know where is this place at first, then I notice it is actually Myanmar.. That's exactly the fact that I dont like Geography..


nu'aim hibatullah said...

hehe..biase r tu
pape pn msti duit..
hehe..dlm dunia ni DUIT la no 1
ape lg kan?hmm
nyway, mgkn btol r nurse tu kne blaja balik..haha

tp yg sure ktorg lg murah la klu wat test yg cmtu..hehe

M-A-S said...

loh, coz of the money currency..
jealous!!... my money dah habis dah buat beli buku, yuran lg.. nuaim ko under ape ek?..mara or jpa?

Syaza Izura said...

tangan ku still lebam sampai sekarang!