Salam and good day!..
Yesterday, I visited my friends (ex-sarjana) at Matriks Gopeng accompanied by my mom.. I was a little bit jealous with Lily. That's why I wanted to go there too.. hehe...No lah...That's not the main reason..
The building is so nice, beautiful. Perhaps because it is a new building so not much damages were done yet. There are lots of flower and rare plants planted there. My mom is a nature lover that she got very excited to see all the plants. She even wanted to take the seeds!! If the gardener was there. Unfortunately,the gardener was nowhere to be found. Pity her..
Lot of ex-sarjana were there. They are having exam today and this week will be their final week so how tired I was yesterday, I must go there since it will be difficult to have such a gathering again in the future. Forgot to mention, I drove the car.. hehe.. So I met them at around 10.00 am. I did brought along my camera. Suddenly I was "begitu rajin" to bring my camera.. I dont know why but currently, I didnt like to snap pictures with my camera anymore. Actually, since I can take pictures with my handset, I thought camera is just heavier. So I think you can guess how excited I was to meet them (coz I brought the camera..=D). I did take pictures, u know.. I didnt bring it for no purpose.
~~(Flashback)Before this, I brought the camera to KL. I was planning to snap the photos of my new nephew. but then, the camera just sit in my bag for the whole 3 days I was there. this is the conversation between me n my mom in the car on my way back to home:
Mom: Rugi tak bawak kamera, kalau tak boleh tgkp gambar Umar. Umar tu comel sangat.
Macam muka ayah dy.
Me: Ada bawak ma. tapi kat dlm beg baju.
Mom: Ya Allah, apasal tak tgkp gmbr Umar.
(Guess what I said..hmm)
Me: malas la ma. Handset ade.. Gune handset jer..
Mom: Ada tgkp tak guna handset?
Me: Tak pun..hahahaa
My mom just stared at me. haha.Actually I was kind of lazy to snap pictures. I only snapping when I'm in the mood.That's why there are not much pictures in my blog.
~~(Back to the future) We had lunch together at the cafeteria in the matriks.. Suddenly, we were the centre of attention in the cafeteria. haha.. All the other students looked at us. You will know why after you look at the pictures down there.
For all of them, I wish you guys ALL THE BEST in the final exam. Success is never impossible, rite? Hope we can meet in the future.
I'm not suitable to be an actress.. hmm
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